Principles of human resource management HR management

Do you have people reporting to you that need managing? Or perhaps you want to consider a career in human resources? Or freshen up your HR knowledge?This specialization provides a robust introduction to the key principles, policies, and practices of human resource management.

The specialization begins with a foundational course that considers alternative approaches to managing human resources, provides a background to the U.S. legal context in which employees are hired, fired, rewarded, and managed, and outlines the different reasons that people are motivated to work.

The remaining three courses tackle three core areas that all managers should understand: hiring employees, evaluating their performance, and rewarding them.

Throughout the courses, an accessible, scientific approach is embraced such that best practices and practical tips are informed by research, but presented in accessible, applied ways.

Upon completing the specialization, learners will have a deeper understanding of what works in the workplace, including a toolkit of best practices for hiring, managing, and rewarding employees. The specialization will be valuable for managers and entrepreneurs taking on these responsibilities as well as anyone else interested in the fundamental principles of human resource management. The Capstone Project will provide an opportunity to apply this knowledge to a real situation, including your own organization or work unit if desired.

  • Human resource management principles, concepts and basic tasks associated with them
  • Strategic human resource management functions that are integrated with the organization’s strategy, vision and goals
  • The seven basic functions of human resources are human resource planning, analysis, job design, recruitment, selection, training, development, performance management, as well as rewards and compensation.
  • The mechanism for selecting, receiving, appointing and successfully integrating new employees into the roles assigned to them and the culture of the institution that affects this.
  • Information about human resources management and the impact of performance management on learning and development and its importance in modern businesses and institutions
  • Rewards management, wage structure, discussion of types of rewards, represented by rewards related to transactions and relationships, how to present them in the form of financial and non-financial rewards, and how to use them to deliver an integrated and effective reward system
  • How to use methods of job evaluation to decide on the level of wages for jobs within the organization, and learn 3 basic methods including ranking, point factor method and classification method for job evaluation, achieving the values ​​of justice and equality and managing relationships between jobsThe challenges facing human resources, such as motivating employees and how to overcome and overcome them, and identify the most common misconceptions about what human resources departments are and how they confront each expert in the field


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