In order to increase your success rate Another Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is considered one of the most important techniques used in organizing time and fighting procrastination. In order to learn more about the uses of this technology and its advantages, in addition to a group of other methods that help you increase your rate of achievement, follow this article with us..

What is the Pomodoro Technique?

It is a time management method developed by the Italian Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. It consists of dividing the work period into 25 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of rest. After completing 4 work sessions, you have the opportunity to take a 30-minute break.

One period of work is called “pomodari,” which is taken from the Italian word “pomodoro,” which means “tomato.”
The Pomodoro technique is based on the idea of ​​repeatedly pausing for rest, which greatly helps improve mental speed and concentration.

Advantages of the Pomodoro Technique and how does it help you?

  • This technique enables you to break the barrier between you and starting the required task
  • It is also considered an effective and useful solution to overcome the problem of procrastination
  • The Pomodoro technique helps you continue working without getting bored or losing focus
  • It also keeps you focused while working and avoids distraction
  • Your commitment to this technique makes achievement a daily habit for you without any exaggeration

How to use the Pomodoro technique?

Using this technique is simpler than you can imagine, all you have to do is follow the following steps:

  1. Determine the task you want to work on, for example, studying a lecture or lesson.
  2. Divide this lecture/lesson into four parts according to their topics.
  3. Set your phone’s timer for 25 minutes and repeat 4 times.
  4. In each session, cover a topic from the lecture/lesson.
  5. After finishing each session, take a 5-minute break. Try to relax as much as possible.
  6. Start working again and so on until the four sessions are complete and you finish studying the lecture/lesson.
  7. Take a 30-minute break and practice one of your favorite hobbies or activities and try to renew your energy and focus by changing your place or eating some vegetables, fruits or nuts.
  8. Now you can define a new task and work on it in the same way as before

Here are a group of other methods that will help you achieve this

  • Organize your study environment and fill the wall opposite your desk with cute posters, motivational quotes, and goals you are working towards.
  • Always remember your goals and keep your eyes in front of you the moment they are achieved and how all the fatigue of the journey will disappear and be replaced with joy and contentment.
  • Know that the pain of striving is much less than the pain of regret, so do not spare any effort and strive with all your energy and effort and rest assured that God will not waste your striving.
  • Make sure to choose your friends and your surrounding environment because they have the greatest influence on you. A man follows the religion of his friend, as you know. Choose positive, hardworking friends who have life goals to encourage you to achieve and progress.
  • Don’t rely on your mood or wait for conditions to be perfect. Rather, be responsible towards your tasks and duties and accomplish what is required of you as soon as possible.
  • Encourage yourself financially and morally and do not expect that from anyone.
  • Learn the skill of planning and always plan your days and do not be random, not knowing what to do or what you want.
  • Evaluate yourself, track your rate of achievement, and look for strengths and weaknesses.
  • Share your achievements with your close family and friends. This will provide good motivation to continue.
  • Follow positive and motivational content creators on social media.

In the end, after we introduced you to the Pomodoro technique, which will help you manage your time, maintain your focus, and continue achieving, we provided you with a set of important tips to achieve achievement.

I will show you a wonderful application that you can use to implement the Pomodoro Technique, which is Achievement Authority You can download it and use it easily.

Now our role has ended. It is your turn to commit and achieve, and success has begun, God willing.

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