IELTS exam book latest version (18)
I am very tired while searching for this book so that I can see models for the IELTS exams so that I can improve my level and be able to take the exam and be eligible for the current immigration programs, specifically immigration to Canada and Australia.
If you currently do not have anything to work on, or you have spare time, this is the most important thing you can do, which is to improve your level of the English language and open international portals for yourself, whether work or immigration.
About Cambridge IELTS Academic 18
Released in July of 2023, Cambridge IELTS Academic 18 has a lot of new and useful features that help you prepare for all of the different sections of the Academic IELTS test.
Another piece of information: There are two types of IELTS, one general, and the other academic. This book is for the general part, for those who wish to immigrate.
There is also the second type: academic. This type is for those who want to apply for scholarships.
The second academic type will be presented to you, God willing, in the coming days.
Benefits of the book
- The book also comes with audio files so you can take an exam and test yourself in all skills, whether writing or listening.
- The book comes with typical solutions, which means you can focus on it and solve many exams without needing to read many courses and get a high score in the exam.
How To Apply
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