Apply for WE-RISE!

About “WE-RISE!” project

WE-RISE Project! affiliated with the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) aims to improve women and youth’s access to a more inclusive market system in Kassala State and Port Sudan.
The project is implemented in partnership between AICS and UN Women and is part of the special allocation for 2019-2020 channeled within the EU Emergency Trust Fund to address the causes of irregular migration and displaced persons in Africa (EUTF) to support the democratic transition in Sudan. Target states of WE-RISE! They are the states of Khartoum, Kassala, Gedaref, and the Red Sea state.

Are you ready to take the first step towards achieving your entrepreneurial dreams? This section is your gateway to the opportunity of your lifetime.

Here, we provide you with all the essential information you need to apply to our program, including eligibility criteria and an overview of what you can expect from your trip.

What will I learn in the program?

The program will provide tailored support to all participants to make their businesses successful! This will include face-to-face training sessions, e-learning sessions, and training to present the project for Demo Day. During the training sessions, you will learn about your business model, prepare a business plan, learn how to create a prototype product, how to market your product or service, how to increase your customer base, and ultimately, how to expand your business.

Selection criteria for participants wishing to apply for this program

  • Participants must be residents of Kassala or Port Sudan or have migrated from Khartoum State* to these areas.
  • Participants must be between the ages of 18 and 35 and women are strongly encouraged to apply.
  • Participants must own a small or medium enterprise, or startup.

After submitting your application, you will receive an email or phone call confirming your participation and training start details. Applications will be open from October 23 on an ongoing basis until we fill all 300 entries.

*Participants who have relocated from Khartoum and are now residing in Kassala or Port Sudan can also apply

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